Welcome to Arwaalsaffar.com

Fitness is an essential part of my everyday life and nothing makes me happier than helping others transform into the healthiest, strongest, and happiest version of themselves. From losing over a third of my bodyweight naturally, to shifting my focus on training for strength and hypertrophy, my specific goals over the years have changed but my love for fitness has continuously grown.

Reflecting on my own personal frustrations and struggles at the start of my fitness journey, and realizing how little resources and qualified female coaches I had access to at the time, I decided to leave the corporate life and pursue a career change in 2016, which has proven to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have proudly worked with thousands of clients both in person and online and helped them reach their unique goals through customized programs and sustainable lifestyle changes.

Physical and Mental Fitness

My coaching methods include a strong emphasis on mental health and mindset, as I believe in the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with food and exercise while reaching your desired outcome. Physical and mental fitness are of equal importance to me as a fitness coach that prioritizes client’s overall health and wellbeing over quick, extreme and unsustainable results.  I am certified in fitness nutrition, glute training specialist, and a transformation specialist, working with a diverse client-base, the largest segments being obese clients looking to re-gain control of their lives and lose a significant amount of body fat, and ladies getting into the gym to improve their body composition and build their ideal physique through resistance training. 

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my website, and I look forward to working with you in person or supporting your fitness goals through the resources I will be providing.

Stay healthy, happy and hydrated! 
